Schieferhöhle | © T. Biersch

Schieferhöhlen - Layekaul

Rhein-Mosel-Str. 45, 56281 Emmelshausen

Impressive slate caves on the hiking trail. (Interior not accessible)

LAYEKAUL You have arrived in the wild and romantic valley of the Patelsbach. It was also called "Zittertal", because this is a historical place of the village Karbach. The two slate caves served as a refuge and shelter for part of the inhabitants during the war. Rembayer Gisela, 10 years old at that time, could tell us a few things from this time: After Christmas 1944 already 14 residential houses and 16 farm buildings had already been destroyed by incendiary and demolition bombs, another terrible bombing raid followed at the beginning of March 1945. The families who could not protect themselves in their own cellar bunker fled either to Angsthausen on the Kieselay or here to the Zittertal. The upper Layekaul was the larger of the two tunnels and provided shelter for many families. During air raids, of course, everyone ran into the tunnels. There it was so crowded that those in the back could hardly breathe. It was also very cramped at night, with the children sleeping on top of each other in makeshift bunk beds. Between the bombings, most of the people stayed outside the caves. The men and women had built a porch with tarps and boards where they sat together and also cooked together. March 1945 was so mild and dry that people even slept outside on quiet nights. Laundry was done in the creek, which had much more water in those days. A little further up the Patelsbach there was another tunnel, which belonged to the Prinzenstein mine and in which one could wash under shelter. The only great joy of the children was to slide down the mountains with an old ladder through the foliage. Many a tree was taken along in the process. The children shared the few dolls to play with and made clothes out of old rags. After a few weeks of occupation, the residents returned to Karbach and began rebuilding. Stones for building houses used to be quarried and mined in both tunnels of Layekaul. Our oldest villager, Kapps Viktor, still tells us that a resourceful citizen wanted to put the Layekaul back into operation and hired some men, including himself, in the evenings at the pub to work there again and break slate. However, the project was quickly abandoned and he has not received his pay for it to this day. A little bit below this layekaul you will find a bench, also called a sensory bench, where you can relax wonderfully. The quiet forest atmosphere allows you to recharge your energy reserves for the next steep stage. On the ascent to the Rheinblick refuge, you first pass the upper Layekaul. This has since collapsed, but the enchanted-looking forecourt of the tunnel alone is worth a visit. Enjoy the nature! Please do not enter do not enter the tunnels, slates can come loose at any time. Parents are liable for their children.

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Schieferhöhlen - Layekaul

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56281 Emmelshausen Rhein-Mosel-Str. 45
Tourist-Information Hunsrück-Mittelrhein
Rhein-Mosel-Str. 45
56281 Emmelshausen


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