Agrahistorisches Museum mit Brunnen | © TI Hunsrück-Mittelrhein

Agrarhistorisches Museum

Rhein-Mosel-Str. 9-11, 56281 Emmelshausen

Collection of agricultural equipment.

The museum gives an insight into the development of agriculture from the turn of the machine age and the way of life and work of the people working in agriculture at that time. The focus is on the presentation of the development of agricultural hand tools from the Stone Age to the present day. The collection has grown to about 3500 exhibits. Guided tours after telef. consultation with Mr. Manfred Adams 06747-598855 or by e-mail The minahme of dogs is not desired.

Agrahistorisches Museum mit Brunnen | © TI Hunsrück-Mittelrhein
Bauernhaus im Museum | © TI Hunsrück-Mittelrhein
Bauernhaus mit Scheune | © TI Hunsrück-Mittelrhein

Agrarhistorisches Museum

From08.09.2024 until the 08.09.2024

Opening hours:
Sunday: 14:00Clock to 17:00Clock

From11.08.2024 until the 11.08.2024

Opening hours:
Sunday: 14:00Clock to 17:00Clock

From13.10.2024 until the 13.10.2024

Opening hours:
Sunday: 14:00Clock to 17:00Clock

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56281 Emmelshausen Rhein-Mosel-Str. 9-11
Agrarhistorisches Museum
Rhein-Mosel-Str. 9-11
56281 Emmelshausen

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