00:00 - 23:59
Wegekreuze Maraikätt u. Annemie
56283 Morshausen
Legend of Morshausen bring closer. A terrible atrocity took place here a long time ago: During the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), when the Swedes were murdering and pillaging the country, Morshausen was not spared. One night, two soldiers forced their way into the house of a woman whose husband was away at war. The cellar hiding place and the desperate resistance did not protect her and her little daughter from desecration and murder. To divert attention from their crime, the perpetrators then set fire to the house. The two soldiers were overpowered and handed over to the military tribunal. Out of compassion, the village community helped the returnee rebuild his house after the end of the war. Finally he married for the second time and had another son and a daughter. Near the thick beech tree he had a cross erected in perpetual memory of his wife Maräikätt and daughter Annemarie. (According to the commemorative writing by Johann Kneip) At the beginning of April 2009, pensioners from Morshausen voluntarily renovated two memorial crosses.