Grillhütte | © E. Bender

Grillhütte in Kratzenburg

An der K111, 56283 Kratzenburg

Barbecue area with hut

Beautiful barbecue hut with benches and parking lot on the outskirts of the village on the K111 behind the end of Kratzenburg. The barbecue hut is run by the Kratzenburg carnival association. Contact person for the rental is the 1st chairman Tobias Stoffel.

Grillhütte | © E. Bender
Grillhütte mit Festplatz | © E. Bender

Grillhütte in Kratzenburg

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56283 Kratzenburg An der K111
Grillhütte Kratzenburg
An der K111
56283 Kratzenburg


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