Bahnhof | © TI Hunsrück-Mittelrhein

Bahnhof Emmelshausen

Bahnhofstr. 5, 56281 Emmelshausen

Cabaret in Emmelshausen

Emmelshausen train station The "Kleinkunstbahnhof" is the oldest building in the young community of Emmelshausen. Built in 1908, it was completely renovated in 1997 and now offers an ideal ambience for cabaret events. A gallery has been set up under the roof. The organizer at the station is the Kulturkreis Region Emmelshausen. Today, the station is still the terminus of the Hunsrück Railway, one of the steepest railroad lines in Germany.

Bahnhof Emmelshausen

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56281 Emmelshausen Bahnhofstr. 5
Bahnhof Emmelshausen
Bahnhofstr. 5
56281 Emmelshausen

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