22. Von Mühle zu Mühle im Baybachtal Neumühle oder Lönsmühle
56283 Beulich
From the Neumühle in the district of Dommershausen only some remains of walls can be seen, it fell victim to a fire only recently, on October 23, 1979. After this mill gave up grinding in the 1930s, it became known as the "Lönsmühle". The nature lover and globetrotter Georg Haack had acquired the property and turned it into a memorial for the famous heath poet Hermann Löns, who had died in World War I and with whom he was a friend. In the "Lönszimmer" he kept many personal legacies of the poet such as writings, drawings, unpublished manuscripts and, as particularly valuable mementos, a family album and the guitar of the popular poet. Many passing hikers and even whole school classes visited the Lönshof, which was also interesting for another reason, because Haack had brought back numerous utensils from his travels all over the world, and in addition, a variety of all kinds of creatures populated the property, so that it was a point of attraction especially for children. Georg Haack had already created a nature reserve in the community forest of Morshausen before he acquired the Neumühle in the 1920s, with which he expressed his admiration for the poet, because Löns himself wanted to establish such a nature reserve in the Harz Mountains. The park in Morshausen was established with a lot of effort and support from the local population and was ceremoniously inaugurated in June 1929. Subsequently, however, there was a lack of maintenance of the park, so that it soon fell into disrepair and was overgrown by nature. Today the forest has taken possession of the area again and nothing reminds of the "Hermann-Löns-Park" anymore.