17. Von Mühle zu Mühle im Baybachtal Kneipenmühle
56283 Gondershausen
The pub mill, Hüttengeorgen mill or Hüttenfranzen mill Here we are now in front of the newly discovered mill ruin that was mentioned above. It is located off the path that leads through the valley and therefore remained hidden from the eyes of the hikers. You have to go up the steep slope overgrown with undergrowth to find it. But if you are on the spot, you can still make out many remains of the mill walls. The mill dike and the path that led to the mill are also still clearly visible. We had difficulties in identifying the name of this mill. In the old cadastral maps it is referred to as both Kneipenmühle and Hüttengeorgenmühle. And finally, another name emerges from the old documents, the Hütten-franzenmühle. So we read it in a receipt from a property auction, when a Peter Vogt lived in the mill, likewise in a bond, with which a miller from the Baybachtal borrowed money from the church in Lingerhahn. In all probability, all names must refer to the same mill. It is not unusual that mills had several names, because they were often named after the respective owners.