02. Von Mühle zu Mühle im Baybachtal Kehlenmühle
56291 Mühlpfad
The Kehlenmühle After a good 200 meters we turn right into a "Wald- und Wiesenweg" (forest and meadow path), via which we reach the next property, the Kehlenmühle, after a few minutes. Here, too, the grinding operation has long since ceased, shortly after the 2nd World War the grinder rattled for the last time. Across the courtyard, between the buildings of the Kehlenmühle, the hiking trail then leads into a sparse coppice forest in the mountainside and the Baybach occasionally gets out of our sight. But soon we see the gentle meadow valley again and hear the gurgling of the brook.
The Kehlenmühle After a good 200 meters we turn right into a "Wald- und Wiesenweg" (forest and meadow path), via which we reach the next property, the Kehlenmühle, after a few minutes. Here, too, the grinding operation has long since ceased, shortly after the 2nd World War the grinder rattled for the last time. Across the courtyard, between the buildings of the Kehlenmühle, the hiking trail then leads into a sparse coppice forest in the mountainside and the Baybach occasionally gets out of our sight. But soon we see the gentle meadow valley again and hear the gurgling of the brook.