Piktogramm | © Unbekannt

00:00 - 23:59

Barrierefreie Toilette Busbahnhof

Liebfrauenstraße 25, 55430 Oberwesel

Public, barrier-free toilet in the bus station in accordance with DIN 18040. This toilet can only be opened with an appropriate key.

Public, barrier-free toilet in the bus station in accordance with DIN 18040. This toilet can only be opened with an appropriate key.

Barrierefreie Toilette Busbahnhof

From26.10.2022 until the 26.10.2030

Opening hours:
Monday: 00:00Clock to 23:59Clock
Tuesday: 00:00Clock to 23:59Clock
Wednesday: 00:00Clock to 23:59Clock
Thursday: 00:00Clock to 23:59Clock
Friday: 00:00Clock to 23:59Clock
Saturday: 00:00Clock to 23:59Clock
Sunday: 00:00Clock to 23:59Clock

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55430 Oberwesel Liebfrauenstraße 25
Barrierefreie Toilette Busbahnhof
Liebfrauenstraße 25
55430 Oberwesel

Web: https://www.oberwesel.de

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