Mühlen im Baybachtal | © B. Vogt

25. Von Mühle zu Mühle im Baybachtal Mohrenmühle

56283 Morshausen

The Mohrenmühle is located in the Macken district.

The Mohren Mill Then follow in short intervals two mills in the district of Macken, first the Franzenmühle, already built at the end of the 17th century by a Franz Neperich, and next the Mohrenmühle, built in 1790 by Anton Mohr.

Mühlen im Baybachtal | © B. Vogt
Mohrenmühle | © B. Vogt

25. Von Mühle zu Mühle im Baybachtal Mohrenmühle

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56283 Morshausen
56283 Morshausen

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